
We take care of the preservation and propagation of vegetables


DSP Ltd is maintaining and propagating varieties of vegetables species bred by the Swiss research stations for agronomy, amongst them the famous "Zefa" varieties, as well as ameliorated local varieties. For this purpose, DSP Ltd works together in a network with growers who produce either organically or conventionally.

Numerous varieties commercialized by DSP are especially demanded by amateur gardeners searching specialties and authentic flavor. Such niche products contribute to the conservation of varietal diversity.

DSP provides the wholesale with seeds and offers service features to the commerce of vegetables grains.


American | Leaf lettuce

Annual | Rocket

Attraktion | Head lettuce

Belicumer | Carrot

Berac | Swiss chard, leaf beet

Blauschokker | Pea

Burgundy | Amaranth

Camelina | Camelina

Cascadia | Sugar snap peas

Charlotte | Swiss chard, leaf beet

Cherry Belle | Radish

Curly | Parsley

Demi long de Guernesey | Parsnip

Dill | Dill

Epineux Argenté de Plainpalais | Cardoon

Flat leaf | Parsley

Four seasons | Head lettuce

Frühbusch | Zucchini

Frühes Wunder | Pea

Genovese | Basil

Golden Giant | Amaranth

Grasse de Morges | Romaine lettuce

Green Giant | Amaranth

Isbrächer | Endive

Jaune de Savoie | Onion

King of May | Head lettuce

Küttiger | Carrot

Laibacher Eis | Batavia lettuce

Lollo Bionda | Leaf lettuce

Lollo Rossa | Leaf lettuce

Merveille d'octobre | Bush beans / dwarf beans

Mitsuba (japanese parsley) | Mitsuba

Nantaise | Carrot

Oriole orange | Swiss chard

Paradiesler | Savoy cabbage

Plainsman | Amaranth

Red Army | Amaranth

Red Russian | Kale

Robella | Oakleaf lettuce

Rose of Berne | Tomato

Rouge de Genève / Red of Geneva | Onion

Schweizer Riesen | Sugar pea

Thurner | Cabbage, kraut cabbage

Victoire | Bush beans / dwarf beans

Weggisser | Sugar pea

Weinländerin | Runner beans

Winterwonder | Head lettuce

Zefa Fino | Fennel

Zefa Plus | Leek

Zefa Tardo | Fennel

Zefa Typ Rot | Turnip

Zefa Typ Weiss | Turnip

Zefa Wädenswil | Onion

Further species


Delley seeds and plants Ltd
Delley Castle
40, route de Portalban
CH-1567 Delley

+41 26 677 90 20

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