Delley seeds and plants Ltd

Seeds – our Passion


Welcome to Delley seeds and plants Ltd

As a Swiss SME in the seeds sector, Delley Seeds and Plants Ltd (DSP Ltd) acts as link between breeding and seed production.

DSP Delley - Portrait


As a Swiss SME in the seeds sector, Delley Seeds and Plants Ltd (DSP Ltd) acts as link between breeding and seed production ...

DSP Delley - Zu den Kulturen


DSP Ltd works on the following domains: cereals, forage plants, maize, soya and vegetables ...

DSP Delley - Zum Lageplan


DSP Ltd is based in Delley, canton Fribourg ...

DSP Delley - Team


The team of DSP Ltd consists of 28 employees and of numerous assistants during the summer months…


Delley seeds and plants Ltd
Delley Castle
40, route de Portalban
CH-1567 Delley

+41 26 677 90 20

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